Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Get on your bikes and ride!
Hi gang!
Alright, this post goes out to all you ghosts, goblins, witches, pirates and ninjas! I really hope you had a great weekend and made some time to eat some sweet treats...I know I did! But don't worry, eating loads of candy is FINE when you are cycle-inclined!
On this first Monday of November, take a minute to notice the trees changing colors and the temperature dropping a few degrees (or more! Sorry East coasters!). There is something very special about this time of year, and in my opinion, there is no better way to observe this than by heading out on your bicycle and going for a ride!
Head out down a road you have never ridden before, or stick to your tried and true routes. Ask a friend to head out with you or look into tagging along with a local recreational riding club. If your like me, we are heading in to what I like to call, "over-eatin' season," so get out there now and make some room!
Also, if you find yourself up in the Bay Area and would enjoy a little time on the dirty dirt, head over to the Marin Headlands, just north of the Golden Gate for some hilly but beautiful fire roads and trails. Now is the time to see some incredible changes in the natural environment, and you may even see a coyote or two!
Ok friends, thanks for checking in!
Have good days,
Coach Tim
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9:26 AM