FUND RAISING TIP: Train and Fund raise...Fund raise and Train
Hello Again - it is time for this week's Fund raising Friday tip!
This week I am suggesting Fund Raising while Training at the same time! You may wonder how this can be possible and the simple answer is...ERRANDS!
Friends, neighbors, co-workers and just about everyone you come in contact with each day is probably pretty busy so why not offer to run some errands for them and do this on your bike?!
Ride into town with a backpack on your back to pick up a few grocery items that a neighbor needs. Hear a co-worker complain that she doesn't have enough hours in the day to get to the post office? Offer to ride to the post office on your lunch break and take care of all her mailing needs!
You get the picture - you can help people out while getting a training ride in and in gratitude of the errand you run for them - ask people to go on home and make a donation on your personal fund raising page or write you a check to Best Buddies on the spot.
Here in Boston it is supposed to be cold but nice this weekend so get out and train and run a few errands at the same time!