Training Tips from a Pro
Our resident former pro-cyclist, and all around bike guru, Richard Fries, will be offering up some training tips for the Challenge community as we get closer to our Hyannis Port event (on June5th)! Read on for some words of wisdom...
Little rides add up. Ride your bike as often as possible during weekdays. Ride to the supermarket. Ride to the kids' baseball game. Ride to your friends' barbecue. And perhaps best of all, ride to and from work. You would be surprised how simple, fun and easy commuting can be especially for a busy person.
With a little bit of planning, the time we spend stuck in traffic or waiting for transit can become your training time. Take some time to map out interesting routes. You'll discover a whole new network of roads and trails that are off the highway.
A ride of 10 miles or less in a metro area usually is faster by bike than any other means. So get to work and get fit.