Matching Gifts and Avoiding Spam
Matching Gifts
We've just added a section on matching gifts to the website. Check out Matching Gifts to find out what and who they are, how to utilize them and the procedure for applying them to your fundraising. How to Avoid Spam
Are you having trouble with your donation request e-mails not reaching their intended destination? They may have been labeled as spam.
E-mail spam involves sending nearly identical messages to numerous recipients by e-mail. Spam is basically any unsolicited bulk e-mail.
Depending on the subject line, certain words and terms used within the body of your e-mail message and the recipients email account provider, your message can trigger spam filters.
There are a number of ways to help your e-mails get through the filters. You can contact--via phone or some other forgotten primitive means--your friends and family, asking to be put on there safe-list. Avoid use of phrases that directly request money. "Give $50" for example. Some filters can be avoided simply by writing out fifty dollars.
Try not to use words and phrases commonly used in spam solicitations such as "dear friend", "amazing", "promise you" and "click here". In addition, avoid attachments and using HTML in your messages.
If you still are having trouble, use's free Content Checker which, using the universal rules of Spam Assassin--a program regarded as one of the most effective spam filters. Simply enter your message text and it will tell you how your e-mail scores as well as suggests some changes to make.
As always, if you have comments or questions regarding these subjects or anything about the ride, please let us know. Post it here or contact us.
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