Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Taking Training Inside

Whether you’re training for the Audi Best Buddies Challenge Hyannis Port or Hearst Castle you may be thinking about the weather a lot lately. The Bay area has just experienced some harsh rainfall and the weathermen in Boston are scaring everyone with a report of a foot of snow for tomorrow. You can’t afford to have your training thrown off by weather. What do you DO?! Take the training inside, silly.

  • Get to your gym. You know that place signed up for a year ago, never go to, but still pay for every month? Treadmills and stationary bikes are great ways to stay in training shape while staying dry and warm.
  • Look into what classes your gym offers. For cyclists you will never take a class better than spinning. For you runners/walkers try to find a class that you like and get the heart rate going.
  • If you don’t belong to a gym take a couple minutes and make some calls to fitness centers in your area. You will find that many of them offer free week long “visitor” passes or monthly specials.
  • Get a stationary trainer or rollers. Both these items allow you to set up your own training area at your house. Just put yourself in front of the TV and get caught up on Lost or Mad Men. If any Hyannis Port participants have more questions about buying stationary trainers or rollers come out and visit the Audi Best Buddies Challenge Team at a bike shop event in your area and If you are running or walking check out what options you have “On Demand”. Most cable providers have a fitness menu where you can choose from a large selection of workouts and make your pulse rise for 15-30 minutes.
  • There are always activities and little changes you can make in your life to stay fit in the cold. Take the stairs not the elevator. Walk around the mall. Clean your house. Go out dancing. Play basketball or hockey. Play Wii with your kids. Just get moving.
It’s cold out there. But you can stay fit, stay motivated, and stay safe.

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